Hello again. We are at the 10th issue today! Thanks for your support ;)
Links of the week
I have made some toy projects with Arduino in the past, but I had no idea what GPIO pins were made of. This is a very good read. 😉
How fast are Linux pipes anyway?
This post is so beautifully explained. If you are interested to know a little bit how Linux pipes work, it is a great starting point.
Also, it gives you the opportunity to learn more about syscalls, Linux source code and how kernel pages are stored in memory.
A Gentle Introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
GANs can be applied to a myriad of problems: dataset augmentation, image enhancement, deep fakes, generating images from text and many more.
How Effective Abstractions Are Opinionated
“No-free-lunch [theorem] implies that abstractions can only achieve zero-cost with reference to some set of assumptions. If those assumptions aren’t perfectly aligned with the environment we’re working in, the abstraction is costly. Abstractions are opinionated about the world they live in.“
Two reasons Kubernetes is so complex
Kubernetes in essence is more than a “container orchestrator“. Once you learn the principles behind it, there are a lot of problems you can solve using similar mental models.
Understanding the Ethereum virtual machine – part I
This is a cool series of posts dissecting the EVM. Check other posts from this blog if you want to learn more.
Emacs is great because you can extend it to make whatever you want.
You as a programmer will spend most of the time using the editor. Why not put the effort to customize it just the way you need?
The Antilibrary: Why Unread Books Are The Most Important
Knowledge comes from the humility of discovering what you don't know yet.
Book of the week
I have recently bought this book. Unlike the dragon book, this is very practical and easy to follow.
Have you read last week's post? Check the archive.
Hope you enjoyed the links. Have a nice week ;)