Hello again.
Links of the week
Expression Evaluation and Fundamental Physics
And so far this may all seem very simple. But actually there are many surprisingly complicated and deep issues and questions. For example, to what extent can the evaluation events be applied in different orders, or in parallel? Does one always get the same answer? What about non-terminating sequences of events? And so on.
Billionaires Are So Predictable
It turns out that to become a billionaire, what you really need is the right social setting. You need to live in a society that is suitably rich and appropriately unequal. Without those things, your chances of wearing the billionaire badge are low.
In this post, I’ll do the math.
Introducing pgroll: zero-downtime, reversible, schema migrations for Postgres
Database schema migrations can be a double-edged sword. They are essential for keeping our systems up to date and in sync with evolving application requirements, but often come bundled with a set of challenges that can leave even the most seasoned developers and database administrators scratching their heads (or banging them on the keyboard).
Beware of the Big Tech “Bubble”
Microsoft was the first, and really only world I ever knew, for over a decade. It was a standalone micro-world, and so slowly, and gradually, I started ignoring the rest of the world. I lived in Redmond, an upscale neighborhood of Seattle, where the average median household income is 50% higher than the rest of the area. Microsoft benefits included membership at an exclusive high end gym where I routinely saw Steve Ballmer and other Microsoft executives working out.
So I decided to go back to what I knew and works better, WiFi. And so I ordered a bunch of smart bulbs on AliExpress, on the cheap side. I know these bulbs come with a proprietary firmware that wants to connect to a Chinese cloud so I was sure of flashing them even before the order.
⏯ 100 Food Hacks I Learned In Restaurants
Anything in food is possible if you believe.
Book of the Week
Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results
Do you have any more links our community should read? Feel free to post them on the comments.
Have a nice week. 😉
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